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Yufuin - an ideal place for spa treatments

Yufuin place in Oita Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, is famous for its hot springs and found the tourists one of the best resorts for spa treatments. This quiet and serene resort town is especially popular among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Nestled in a green valley at the foot of the volcano Yufu spa resort Yufuin fabulously rich in water resources: about 43's of thousands of liters of hot, mineral-rich water hitting a key every minute of more than eight hundred sources.

Relax at your leisure! Onsen (hot springs) have a long history. The first mention of them are found in written documents dating back more than a thousand years ago. As the development of the hot springs of the locals along the way and took care of the environment, preserving nature surrounding places in its purest form. And as a result - despite the fact that Yufuin Onsen became known spa resort, quiet rural landscape has remained unchanged and is highly regarded as a great place to rest and for the body and soul. In support of this the Japanese Ministry of the Environment has identified Yufuin Onsen as a spa and wellness resort in the hot springs.

What makes this resort so unique in a number of others like him? Although there are everywhere and there are many hot springs, hotels and inns are not concentrated in one place, but scattered widely, and it allows each complex have a fairly large area that is certainly a plus for travelers. Therefore, the town has an impressive area, and it's a very simple explanation: according to impose restrictions on the construction you see in Yufuin modern luxury high-rise hotels, covering the horizon.

Two words can best describe this spa resort - steadily and slowly. This passage from the category of those who deserve a long stay. In almost all hotels have traditional Japanese gardens and other elements of Japanese culture, contributing to a quiet relaxing holiday. In some hotel complexes even have separate houses for guests to feel complete privacy.

If you walk along the main street Yunotsubo Kaido, you can feel the guts old elegance of the city. Street, stretching from the train station littered with all sorts of museums and small art galleries, trendy restaurants and cafes and souvenir shops.

Under dimensional clatter of hooves, tourists can see the sights of the city from the stroller, horse-drawn - this kind of excursions became the most popular since 1975, when the service was first introduced to the guests Yufuin. In addition, local attractions you can show from the window of the English retro car in Scarborough.

In Yufuin has lots of baths and bathing, due to its location near the hot springs. Especially a lot of the city we can meet special baths for the feet, called ASI-S. You can even take a bath for the feet on the railway platform, or the Museum of Fine Arts. Only this spa resort in the hot springs allows the passage of these spa treatments, waiting for a train or contemplating a work of art.

In the surrounding area there are places such as the top of the mountain Yufu, with panoramic views of the city and the surrounding natural beauty. It is said that at the bottom of the lake Kinrin seething hot springs, and so early in the morning in the freezing time of the air over the lake tightened slight whitish haze. The Mystic River Gorge Yufu one of the deepest in Japan in May and June, at night you can watch countless fireflies that light up the gorge.

The most delicious culinary delights in Yufuin - soft and juicy beef Bungo, considered one of the best in Japan among vagyu (beef in Japanese). Steaks and grilled slices of Bungo look particularly appetizing. Local poultry meat pretty thumbs up and getting ready in style yakitori, that is roasted on bamboo skewers, so raw, when thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat are eaten as sashimi. Apart from meats offered to taste and home-cooked dishes made with local vegetables.

Category: Tourism, Travel, Food | Added by: vladgon (14.10.2014)
Views: 1359 | Tags: spa treatment, tourism, Sightseeing, Resort, hot springs, SPA, Yufuin | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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