Stock prices in Tokyo fell on Thursday, as a key Nikkei index at the close of the Exchange dropped below 13,000 points for the first time in two months.
The index Nikkei, which reflects the average share price 225 companies totaled 12,904 at the end of trading points, 110 points lower than Wednesday. This is the lowest level since April 5.
A more general index Topix, which reflects the average price of the shares of companies represented in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange at the close of trading down by 19 points compared to the previous day to a mark of 1,070 points.
Against the background of the current downward trend in stock market conditions in overseas markets, including Asia, as well as the appreciation of the yen against other currencies, orders for the sale of shares were placed before the completion of the Exchange. Stock prices fell across the board.
According to market sources, investors expect a carefully statistics on employment in the United States, which will be published before the end of this week, to anticipate them by following the course of American monetary policy.
Source: NHK