In today's column VIEW vice-chairman of the Japan Research Institute, Kenji Yumoto a project by a growth strategy.
In order to put an end to deflation, you must create an environment in which companies can gain competitive, to lead the development of new products, to increase exports to the Asian markets, as well as to take on risks of starting a new business in the domestic market. The draft growth strategy identifies four areas in which the government will focus its efforts. These areas include medicine and health, energy, infrastructure, next generation, as well as agriculture. The government will use all available resources policy, namely regulatory reform, tax incentives, as well as fiscal measures as an incentive for companies to attract new investment.
On Wednesday, there was a significant drop in stock prices. The draft strategy contains only what has already been announced, so the market was disappointed. However, this does not mean that the market is left without any hope. For example, there is a special economic zone. Efforts are led by the Prime Minister, in order to create zones to attract investment through tax incentives and strong measures to deregulate. It has also been the idea of selling the rights to the management of infrastructure that were formerly government. This refers to the transfer of rights to private sector management of infrastructure such as water supply, sewerage system, as well as airports.
Disappointment draft strategy was due to the fact that had not been cut corporate taxes. Kenji Yumoto considers it necessary to take such a drastic step as reducing the corporate tax rate to zero, if the government wants to increase foreign investment.
Source: NHK