On Friday morning, the stock prices in Tokyo went up again. The key Nikkei index rose more than 500 points, surpassing the one of the highlights of the mark of 15,000 points.
That day came mainly applications for the purchase of shares, the price of which fell on Thursday.
According to exchange sources, increasing a sense of relief after not happen too significant drop in stock prices in New York, although quotation fell in Asia and Europe. Stock exchange sources said that many investors want some time to see whether or not to continue the recent trend for the stock.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has indicated the need for greater specificity of the work plan for dismantling nuclear power plant "Fukushima Dai-ichi."
IAEA inspectors last month at the request of the Japanese government visited this plant to become familiar with the efforts being made to dismantle the reactors.
Inspectors interviewed officials of government agencies and employees Denreku Tokyo, which is the operator of nuclear power plant "Fukushima Dai-ichi" and visited the very plant.
Japan's Meteorological Service reported that the average content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises and Japan all three observation points in excess of the country's record of international standard.
Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming climate change.
Meteoupravlenie Japan is monitoring the content of carbon dioxide in the city of Ofunato Iwate Prefecture in the north-east of the country, as well as in the southern prefecture of Okinawa Island and Yonaguni Island Minamitorisima, which is located well south of Tokyo.